Friday, June 22, 2012

I am Mormon-Hard-Core.  Yes I know I have an attitude.  I get an attitude when I deal with people who know NOTHING about Mormonism but lie and say they do.  Without cheating, can you name the witnesses to the golden plates?  Do you know how many witnesses there were?  Do you even know what the golden plates are?  I  first started doing this whole Mormon blogging thing around 2007 or 2008. When I first started doing this I had one small goal in mind; Convert the entire cyberworld to Mormonism. However, being a 40-year-old man, I probably will not have adequate time to accomplish this goal, regardless of how reasonable and prudent it may have sounded at the time.

I first learned the Mormon-Hater was Anti-Christ when I was a child.  I went to the Mesa Easter Pageant and saw two Mormon-Haters standing on a street corner holding signs and wearing Mormon Temple Garments on the outside of their clothing.  I watched as an old woman, very old, probably in her 80s, openly wept as she walked past them.  I didn't even know Mormon-Haters existed back then, but every contact I have had with them since that day has shown me they are true demons.  Demons in the purest sense of the word; evil children of Lucifer.  Like the pharisees of the New Testament, out of jealousy spite and just plain hatred, the Mormon-Hater openly fights and lies against a gospel which it knows to be true. 

Although raised in the church, I fell away for many years.  I was dumb enough to believe the same old lies the Mormon-Haters have been spreading since the 1830s.  It wasn't until I fell away that I really started studying the LDS church in earnest.  It was then when I realized it was the MORMON-HATERS who were the big deceivers, not the LDS church.  It was the MORMON-HATERS who were ignoring the blatant facts staring them right in the face, facts which proved that Joseph Smith was exactly what he said he was; a true prophet of God.  

I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has more truth and authority than any other church on the face of the earth. New scripture, plain and precious truths, continued revelation, personal revelation, worlds without number and without end. It took me many years of struggling to fully comprehend the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, but once it clicked, WOW! I came out of my corner with guns blazing. I will never deny the truths I have learned, even with a gun to my head. Jesus is the Christ, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church.

To learn how the Mormon-Hater lies, and the facts they hide, check out my blog: